Q. I want a divorce from Facebook. A. Recent developments have caused a lot of folks to want to part ways with Facebook and join other social media groups. But they are finding it much like ending a relationship that they, for the most part, enjoyed and profited from. Remember, Facebook started about 16 years ago. Over that time, we've shared information with hundreds or even thousands of people. We've reconnected with old friends and classmates. And, Facebook has collected enough information on each of us to know exactly what our preferences are politically, religiously, and whether we prefer chicken over beef or a meatless diet. In other words, they know us as well as a spouse knows us. And leaving them might mean leaving the "friends" we've gained as well as the followers of our business and social life. Other sites have started up causing many to join without actually abandoning Facebook. From a business standpoint, the new sites haven't existed long enough to gather the data used to zero in on our target market--and many of them are designed specifically to avoid such invasions. Algorithms take time to develop, so expectations of these sites to generate sales or other engagements should be low for now. Most likely, Facebook is keeping track of anyone that posts that they are joining Parler or MeWe and will add that information to their growing list of what they know about you. They're like the ex that kept stalking you even after you said, "We're done." From a purely economic standpoint, Facebook will continue to provide a high ROI. The other sites will gain traction as more people move or add this platform to their marketing menu. Time will tell whether the new sites will be able to monetize quickly enough to stay afloat or become a viable option for business use. Stay tuned! We are keeping a close eye on the best options for business owners! |